Professor Betty decided she needed to supervise when I entered final grades into the system. I resisted at first because FERPA prohibits the disclosure of a student’s “protected information” to a third party. Betty pointed out that for purposes of FERPA, a “third party” includes any individual or organization other than the student or the student’s parent(s). Since Betty is a dog who can’t read or speak human language, it is impossible for me to disclose any protected information to her. I couldn’t argue with Betty’s reasoning, so I caved in to her demand.

Anyway, Professor Betty is a very strict instructor. Whenever I moved the mouse so that the pointer was over the appropriate grade, Betty would bump my arm with her nose causing the pointer to move to a lower grade. Maybe I’m too lenient. My cybersecurity students do need to be held to the highest standards, and Betty was just making sure I did that. Professor Betty isn’t going to tolerate someone hacking her treats.