Contribute a Picture and Recipe!

Groovy Cooking with Betty Zing and Friends; Recipes for Humans & Pets, An Online Community Endeavor

Would you and your pet (real or imaginary) like to be one of Betty Zing’s friends in cooking?  Great!

Share your recipe, along with a few words or a story and a picture or two of your pet(s) (real or imaginary).  Perhaps you’d like to pay tribute to a pet who has passed away with a favorite recipe? Be sure not to use a picture of someone else’s pet without their permission!  You will be asked to give permission to publish both the recipe/story and the picture(s), but you will remain the owner of these items.

NOTE: “A mere listing of ingredients is not protected under copyright law. However, where a recipe or formula is accompanied by substantial literary expression in the form of an explanation or directions, or when there is a collection of recipes as in a cookbook, there may be a basis for copyright protection. Note that if you have secret ingredients to a recipe that you do not wish to be revealed, you should not submit your recipe for registration, because applications and deposit copies are public records.”  (For more information, visit